the Arizal had secrets regarding the last day of Pesach and the miracle of the sea splitting

he did not want to share the secrets.

he was worried about sharing them.

R Chaim Vital pushed him.

The Arizal warned him

In the end he taught the secret, and died shortly after.
Close to 200 years later, R’ Shlomo Elyashiv, a Lithuanian Kabbalist, author of the Leshem Shevo V’Achlama wrote a 100 page chapter on these secrets.

They speak of impossible possibilities.

expansiveness in the place of constriction.

revelation in times of concealment.
while i certainly am wholly incapable of teaching the teachings, i will beH share some notes on this thread over the next few days and chol hamoed regarding the relevancy of these teachings to our particular moment, both individually and collectively
before anything though, look at his face, and remember that his written words contain his soul.
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