Capitalism is super weird in that there is a giant fucking market for bulk food and because most of the food supply is geared towards bulk retail for restaurants, you’ve got rotting food in the fields and a huge underserved clientele

I’d 100% buy a crate of tomatoes if I could
Like I know that lots of folk won’t ever have seen agriculture or food chain logistics up close and that’s probably why nobody can figure out why the food is rotting

It’s cause the restaurants are closed and the prices collapsed so flooding the market doesn’t help economically
Like if I’ve got to keep three hundred milking head productive hoping that the milk market will bounce back, I gotta milk every day but ain’t no place to sell it

Meantime it’d be easy as for households to order via their local McDonald’s or hell even one of those swanky bars
Idk why nobody’s been making their order catalogues available to consumers is my point, with even a 10-20% markup you’re still making better than nothing, minimizes shopping, keeps the supply running in something like normal order
Tbh most restaurants in the nation rely on the same few big supply giants and their catalogues are online and they have the tech infrastructure to scale up fairly efficiently if they brought on a couple new IT guys to handle the logistics and data
This series of thoughts brought to you by me wanting more fucking tomatoes and remembering a case is twenty bucks and damn near calling around to restaurants to offer them twenty-five to toss another case on their order
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