I have met my neighbor José and his little boy Miguel! José speaks broken English, I speak broken Spanish, we made it work. He is from Mexico and was surprised a white woman eats sheep. Also he wanted to warn me about a coyote.
Also he taught me the word borrego! So now I know another sheep word in Spanish!
And he said if I need to I should come over for any reason.

I kind of wonder if he came over to say hi because he talked to Carlos who was like "she knows five words of Spanish and they are 'Los policías y ICE son los fascistas'"
Anyway I let Miguel give cheerios to the goats and he thought it was hilarious (he is like 3 or 4)
Sebastian is delightfully gentle when taking cheerios from small people
Anyway I definitely gotta go back to Spanish lessons on Duolingo and then when I take a lamb to slaughter I can take some over to José and his family.
...yes I am ridiculously excited to have met a neighbor STOP JUDGING ME I'VE TALKED TO THE SAME 4 PEOPLE FOR THE LAST MONTH
José's wife just brought me food!! Eat your heart out, @UrsulaV. Also now I gotta bring them eggs
...I wonder if she can teach me to avoid the horrible tomato volcano when I try to make arroz rojo
I did find out that she and her daughter want a dog but José does not like dogs. José told me he likes horses. (I am on solid ground talking about liking livestock)
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