my New Year’s resolution was to start living more sustainably & i love sharing the new things i learn, so i’m starting a thread to post about all my lil sustainable life changes 🙂♻️
my first new FAV thing to share are shampoo bars 😍 i’m still trying to find the best one for me, but Love, Beauty & Planet is my fav so far! 2-in-1 didn’t work for me, but it’d be great for people with short hair 😌 no more excessive, thick-plastic shampoo bottles 🙅🏼‍♀️
i’ve also ditched my wasteful plastic k-cups for some reusable ones 🤗 & im hoping to paint the outside of my coffee grounds jar so it looks a lil less trashy, but that’s a project for a different day 😂
something else super cool & unexpectedly affordable is sustainable toilet paper! some eco-friendly brands cost an arm & a leg, but many generic brands (like GV pictured) have started making their own recycled or bamboo toilet papers at normal prices 🌞🧻
another amazing switch i’ve made are these reusable make-up removing pads 🤗 just add water & make-up literally slips off, & they’re machine-washable! no more dumping hundreds of make up wipes in the trash every year
this one feels obvious, yet billions of plastic water bottles are still sold & thrown away every year! GET A REUSABLE WATER BOTTLE OR TUMBLER!!!! i love my Yeti, & i got this lid with a straw for $10 on amazon 🤩💧 ft my beautiful @kannchy sticker 🌻😍
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