Cho Seungyoun as Bright Vachirawit. a thread. 🌻💛
#조승연 #bbrightvc
how could someone drink water become so attractive like this??
love to play with kiddo👶🏻🖤
a view from their back wearing black shirt and short jeans.
taking a picture as their hobby📸
seungyoun’s bright’s
(kinda have a similar taste in photography).
tattoos on their back🔥 crycrycry (plis gue migrain bikin part ini)
boys who love converse👟
..if life is a movie then you guys are my best part🌹 (both of them are a fan of Daniel Caesar. their music taste also kinda similar). btw sorry for the bad quality of this video lol I think their tempo is different so I can’t match it..
your gym buddy🔥✊
ready to be your wedding-date💐
(yg mulai gakuat bisa angkat tangan ke kamera. tq).
a 3 years old babyyy I wanna pinch their cheeks😩
MEREKA ADALAH DILANKU (1996 & 1997). periodt.
have a same talent!! they can play a guitar 🎸
(hsksksk pls guys apa yg kalian gabisa selain gabisa gue miliki??)
wearing headband
your travel buddy🏖🏕
kaos abu ketek bolong,
(cakeeep, lanjutin sendiri ye pantunnye).
a right partner for attending art exhibition👨🏻‍🎨
THEIR SMILE ARE SO PRECIOUS:”)💖 so this is what it feels like to fall in love all over again...
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