THREAD: Okay, so I've been sharing some information lately, because I'm concerned about the *reporting* of Coronavirus. Had a long twitterconvo with @docrod2008 about this (who is a good friend of mine, btw). But now there is some additional data to back up my concerns 1/n
You may have seen this graphic passed around lately. It shows that the *reporting* of pneumonia deaths is in a sharp decline. 2/n
Concerned about taking the data at face value (you should never do that - numbers *never* speak for themselves!), I downloaded the actual .csv file with the data in it from the CDC. You can get that file yourself here: (4/n)
I even had a friend double-check as well, and we (well, he, because he's better at Excel than I am) was able to replicate the chart (colors are different, but the chart is the same (5/n)
This is what the link to the German doctors that I've posted about have been warning against. Not only is the reaction to Coronavirus numbers different, but the actual classification of Coronavirus cases is suspect in the first place. (6/n)
Professor Doctor Sucharit Bhakdi is not the only one raising the alarm of overreach on the part of world governments. Dr. John Ioannidis from Stanford University is among those who is concerned that decisions are being made without reliable data. (7/n)
Okay, so the reason why this is a problem is because in a very short period of time, we (as local societies in a global setting) have not only been forced into radically different social behavior, we are asking for it.

"Save us!" is a common theme. And politicians love it (8/n)
Governments are stepping up the hunt for people - not because they are sick, but because they are not complying with the new rules. This is *precisely* what drives people into the black helicopter conspiracy theories. (14/n)
What could go wrong? An implantable microchip that not only verifies your vaccination status, but acts as a gating function for allowing you do go about your daily social activities?

After all, you could get it Mipasa approved! (My Pass)
MiPasa is an endeavor "control and communication" system to identify coronavirus early. Sponsored by all your favorite government entities. (18/n) 
So, as this is already way too long, here's where we are:

We have a scary variant of Coronavirus
We have wild predictions of cases and deaths
We have the thumb on the scales of reporting of cases by "reclassifying" other illnesses as Corona
We have immediate lockdowns (21/n)

We've legislative actions due to the virus, but nothing to do with the virus
The penalties for violating these rules are steep
We have the population *demanding* all of this to happen.

After all, if CV *could* be this bad, better to be safe, right? (22/n)
There's a scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" where George Bailey is trying to convince people not to sell their shares to Potter. "Pottern's not selling, he's Buying!"

Watch the scene and switch "Potter" for the gov't actions. Listen to the crowd. (23/n)
This is what we are doing. We are selling ourselves to various agencies and companies. Damn, this does sound like a tinfoil hat argument, but how can it not?

How can a reasonable person not look at the avalanche of restrictions based upon doctored data not raise eyebrows? (24/n)
There *must* be a demand for accurate data. Computer models are *not* evidence. Asinine "duck and cover" policies need to stop.

And we *must* stop relying on gov't policies, demanding and depending on them. Otherwise there will never be a hope of returning to "normal" (25/25)
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