I just feel like if we stayed home for about four weeks and utilize delivery companies and apps in addition to the government organizing meal and prescription drop offs for folks then we might be able to get ahead.
People hurting and they ain't ga stop hurting right up in now, drop off groceries/medication to people who absolutely need it at the beginning of the week, give them PPE. There has to be more to it than social distancing. Faith w/o WORKS is dead right?!
I'm literally just thinking out loud right now. I'm suggesting that the government do certain things but I know it starts with us, I know my people don't like change but we have to be willing to accept this new way of doing things, IF ONLY FOR THE TIME BEING.
Another idea, garbage trucks have a schedule, use that schedule to distribute food and medicine. Pharmacies know who needs refills when (they have addresses). People who have, should honestly decline. I'm not saying it has to be much, just enough to get by. Learn to ration.
@alexia_chatelle they could even use this schedule.
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