This may turn into a bit of a rambling thread.

Sometimes, the internet (Twitter) shows the worst of what some men can be. I follow a lot of feminists and they understandably often tweet about the exploitation & abuse of women by men. I don't think I was ever naive about this 1/
2/ but at the same time I didn't really fathom the hatred that some men have for women. Or the unbridgeable fact that some just don't see us as human beings in the same way that they are human beings.

I've also met really lovely decent men on Twitter. But at times I feel a kind
3/ of despair at the misogynists. I don't even know if misogyny is the word. Sometimes, trying to get some men to see that women have the right to dignity and respect is like trying to explain light to something that lives at the bottom of the sea and has never evolved eyes, only
4/ the fish wouldn't be simultaneously making my skin crawl because fish, bless them, aren't rabidly into porn.

Anyway usually I can shrug it off but today it just hit me like a ton of bricks. It's probably just background depression and stress about everything else, that's
5/ shattered my ability to deal with it.

I didn't write this in order to have a go at men. The fact is that it is awful to think that there is something fundamental that makes men hate and despise women, and I don't believe that's the case.
6/ I don't even know what my point is. I logged off Twitter for a bit and had a glass of wine with the kindest, most decent person I've ever known, my husband, who is a man. And then I listened to Jethro Tull, partly because I am addicted at the moment but also because Anderson's
7/ lyrics often show that sense of fundamental, decent respect for women that I know many men do actually have. And that made me feel a little less like crying, and also a little more like crying but in a good way.

I am actually not drunk.
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