“So I was thinking....” Bokuto sighs in one fine afternoon.

“You? Thinking? Is this the end of the world?” Kuroo cuts him, not even bothered looking to his direction. Bokuto wants to raise a middle finger, but he chooses not to.

“Do you think I have a chance with Akaashi?”
Now that catches Kuroo’s attention as he chokes a little while sipping the perfect dalgona coffee he’s so proud of making after 2 failed attempts.

“You- what are you on?” Kuroo stares in shock.

Bokuto swiftly sits next to him. “It just, I wakeup today & realized I love him.”
Kuroo’s eyes open so wide, almost left its sockets. He blinks after a few seconds.

“That’s all?? You dreamt about him & BAAM, got lovestruck?” Kuroo suppresses his sarcastic tone.

“How do you know, bro? Swear you’re some psychic.” Bokuto chuckles, blushing. Chuckles? BLUSHING?
“Yes I am. And if you don’t wipe that expression off your face I predict you’d get hit.”

“By who?”

“By me! Gross.” Kuroo remarks.

“I did nothing??” Bokuto looks confused, annoying Kuroo even further.

“You did- but that’s not the point. Well, spit it out, man.”

Bokuto smiles.
“So, ugh. I dreamt about him, like you said.” Bokuto scratches his head. “he confessed to me, saying he’d been in love with me since our first year. Suddenly all of our memories flashed like a quick movie, you know?”

Bokuto giggles, feeling abashed. “He kissed me, man.”
“And then you woke up.” Kuroo cuts him again.

“Yeah. I sat on my bed for hours thinking about it. My heart pounded like crazy.”

“See a cardiologist.”


“Kidding.” Kuroo chortles. “So in short- you realized you love him too?”

“Yes! But the real him, not the dream one.”
“I get it.” Kuroo deadpans. Taking his phone from the table, he’s typing something. Bokuto feels ignored.

“This is how you react? You didn’t even answer my question before!” Bokuto dramatically raises his voice.

“Akaashi said he’s come in few minutes.”

“Go wash your face you damn owl. If I was Akaashi I’d run the moment I saw the droll on your cheek.”

”Screw you.” Bokuto gets up, running in a light speed to the shower.

“I love you too.” Kuroo shouts.

Kuroo giggles hearing a crashing sound. He barely sees Bokuto this nervous.
Bokuto screams. “Where’s my toothbrush?”

”Didn’t we use it to clean the toilet?” Kuroo shouts back in tease.

“Fuck you kuroo I would use yours next- nevermind it’s here.”

Kuroo laughs. Bokuto is chaotic enough, but Bokuto in love is even more chaotic, more entertaining.
Living together with Bokuto never crossed his mind before. But somehow it just happened after they graduated from high school and attended the same university.

Nothing had changed significantly about their surroundings. Bokuto & Akaashi are still as tight as they could ever be.
“Took you long enough, huh.” Kuroo sips his coffee. “Bleeghh, still bitter.”

The sound of bell from the front door taking Kuroo back to reality. He walks out and opens the door.

“Good afternoon Kuroo-san.”
Akaashi, expression as calm as always, bows to him. His ears red.
“Akaashi wait for me a bit!” There’s a series of crashing sound, loud bangs, and some questionable noises that make both Kuroo and Akaashi mentally face palming.

“I’m sorry he’s noisy.” Kuroo feels the need to apologize.

Akaashi smiles lightly. “That’s so Bokuto-san.”
“Come in, Akaashi-“

“Oh, hi. You’re already here. Ugh *cough* Hello akaashi.” Bokuto chaotically appears from behind before the said man steps in.

“You made your partner wait? That’s not so gentleman, Bo.” Kuroo chides.

“Shut up, Kuroo!” Bokuto elbows him.
Akaashi laughs toothily, so unusually cheerful it even brings shock to both Kuroo & Bokuto. “I don’t mind, really.”

Kuroo smiles mischievously. “Well, well, already whipped, ain’t you?”

“Don’t listen to him, akaashi!” Bokuto shoves Kuroo behind. ”What did he text you before?”
Akaashi averts his eyes to the tile below. Kuroo notices his ears are even redder than before.

“Uhm, let’s just talk it thoroughly between two of us, Bokuto-san.”

Kuroo can see Bokuto’s eyes gleaming. Red color splattered all over his face. His mouth opens slightly.

“Well, well. You both are standing at the entrance. Go being lovey dovey somewhere else.” Kuroo pushes Bokuto outside. “Akaashi-san, he’s a bit dumb but he’s a nice guy.”


“I already know that, Kuroo-san.”

“Ah, of course. I forget you’ve been with him since forever.”
“Take care of him, okay?” Kuroo smiles.

“Why are you acting like you’re sending your son to marriage, bro?”

Both Kuroo and Akaashi laugh.

“Shut up, Bo. Now go.”

“Yeah, yeah I would.” Bokuto takes Akaashi hands.

“Let’s go, ‘kaashi?” Bokuto smiles brighter than today’s sun.
As they walk away to the lift, Kuroo’s eyes attentively staring at them- for no apparent reason.

Right before they step inside the lift, Bokuto turns his head toward Kuroo’s direction, mouthing “thank you” thoigh Kuroo isn’t so sure.

Kuroo chuckles anyway. Bokuto seems happy.
Kuroo doesn’t immediately close the door. Staring at the now empty corridor these guys just passed by, his hand moves to his chest.

He slides down, losing all energy he barely maintained before. “Ah, Bo. If you dreamt about me instead, would you still smile as bright as that?”
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