✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜Bloom Appreciation/Analysis Thread that no one asked ✧*̣̩⋆̩☽⋆゜🤣

Here’s the back story of it told by Jinjin. Like I said earlier, the melody was initially made by MJ. It’s possible that they did two diff ver/feels to it and Jinjin’s work was chosen.
Now into the song itself, I won’t go to what it made us feel (you guys know this already) bUt the composition of the music itself as to how it sounded like that~
I’ve mentioned too that when we say “composed by” he/she/they were actually the “mastermind” of what will happen/what they want to happen in the song. It was MyungJin & i think there’s another person behind it too. So yup. They decided that it’s gonna be orchestral—
The song is in a MAJOR key. MAJOR key usually feels POSITIVE but in this song they were ABLE to make us feel very sad. And used compound time signature (it’s unusual for some songs)
The original song doesn’t have a percussion instrument (ex: drums) in the start so it’s really hard to assess the flow of the music. So if you notice in their live stage, before Sanha’s part in the beginning, the guitarist always taps the body of his guitar to guide—
Sanha for the timing of the song. For their rapping, I was really amazed on how Jinjin and Rocky rapped. It felt very personal. Like they’re telling a story. Rocky’s rap also’s unique (accdg to them; All light unboxing vlive) bec it was husky. And another thing I found funny is,
Jinjin’s “uhm or eung” before he raps has a specific pitch in it! And when he was unable to hit that pitch, it will sound very unfitting to the song. And their melodic rapping also.
And when it modulated (MJ’s high notes part) it felt like “a flower blooming” especially the instumental parts. Ahskss it was beautiful.
Now into the “orchestra” part. OKAY. This may sound weird 🤣 But there are actually 10-14 instruments used in the song. (I can hear it po) Why am I telling this because, all of them were actually NOTATED. The notes were actually put into paper. And imagine, 10-14 different parts!
So whoever’s the arranger of this song, let’s praise him/her also! (ofc all of the pd team!) The arranger may have used the midi keyboard, (an electric piano that can produce diff sound) but as far as I know its notation isn’t accurate so it will still take you time
to finish notating it. And to think of it, you’d have to think for 10-14 individual parts to come up with 1 very good sounding part. Ofc there’s still music theory application for that but still!!! Even the tiniest sound, it’s notated. It’s planned.
And I heard that some commented that it was actually an expensive song to perform? idk but i think i read it somewhere. but anyways, it’s true 🤣 😅 i have friends that are members of the orchestra and if it’s a big event, P1000 is the minimum
pay for them. Accdg to some of them okay? I’m not rlly sure w the others but considering it’s korea. 😅 And it’s an individual pay ha. Each head. Imagine the rehearsals for it also. 😅 Yes it’s expensive! But worth it!!
And as for this stage, (this one’s my favorite) I think this one’s their last performance of this one? See the number of people behind ASTRO? Yup. I think that’s the number of people you need to ReALLY hear that grand sound for the song
because i’ve noticed in some stages they still have orchestra but not FULL like this. This one’s the grandest!!! And also they decided to add some instruments for this one or maybe i just can’t hear it in the mp3. And you can also see that there are actually
music pieces/sheets that the orchestra members are reading. And let’s not forget those background vocals. They were amazing 😭 So yep. Imagine if they would perform this in the future with this kind of setup. I’d literally cry. 😭
It’s so beautiful, grand and expensive lmao 🤣 and it also emphasizes ASTRO’s vocals. 😭 Lastly, you probably noticed that this song used real instruments right? Yup. So that’s why it’s so special to me.
So I think that’s it? I’m not really sure because I feel really sleepy right now 🤣 But please FEEL FREE to correct me. These are just my observations based on what I know. I’ve said lots of things and I really hope you understood it and it was not confusing for you. 😭
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