Lesbians whose pronouns are he/him are wonderful, I hope they know that. Having pronouns that express their masculine gender expression, but knowing that they're not a man in their identity and are attracted to people who aren't men, too? Powerful
From a they/she lesbian--I felt moved to write this after writing a poem about my own gender identity last night, as well as seeing tweets on he/him lesbians.
And I keep seeing people say he/him lesbians invalidate lesbians and non-binary + trans people. They don't.
Pronouns are gender expression, which may or may not match gender identity. Just like names.
Lesbians have explicitly expressed that we have had a history of gender non-conformity.

"Stone Butch Blues" and "Am I a Lesbian? Masterdoc" are both good affirmations of this.
I can speak as a non-binary person that gender can be more complex than the binary perception provides.

Gender expression & gender identity both exist on spectrums, & they're separate. Again, sometimes they match, sometimes they don't. For me they do, but for others they don't.
Non-binary just means not exclusively a man or exclusively a woman
I know I can't speak for all of the trans community, but I have seen both trans men and trans women publicly affirm he/him lesbians

There are trans people whose pronouns conform to their gender identity & recognize that lesbians may use pronouns that don't conform to theirs
So yeah I hope this thread helps he/him lesbians feel more validated in who they are because typically they're pretty awesome

He/him lesbians are not men, they're lesbians who just have masculine pronouns, and that's cool
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