@bcndp @jjhorgan @AJWVictoriaBC

This government promised it would help the disabled after the damage caused by BC liberals freezing rates for 15 years.

The rates need to go up a lot (and taxpayers theres not enough disabled for you to even notice it trust me be 😡 @ banks)
Welfare often goes to drugs

But disabled goes to living always. These people can’t work and they need the help you promised them.

Its impact on taxation is one of the smallest expenditures out there and we easily spend more on bike lanes and greening everything than this
I just find it funny that you guys claim to be socialist, the opposite of the BCLiberals yet your actions are the same in your lack of care of the PWD Disabled whom many have Down syndrome and other health concerns and youre just asking them to tough it out?!?!???
In case you havent noticed you cant even buy chicken breast anywhere and a tiny little supplement isnt going to do jack when the rates were frozen for so long that they are half of what they should be.
This thread proves that the @bcndp are actually not even REMOTELY socialist or they wouldve put them before their capitalistic game
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