Bernie and his campaign and supporters did nothing wrong and made no mistakes and only lost because the American democratic socialist road to power is structurally foreclosed and I think we can all agree that in light of that a revolutionary movement is the only way forward 😇
Really though, by any conventional metric for a campaign - money, enthusiasm, rallies, canvases, volunteers - Bernie did win. You aren't crazy to think that. But there's a brick wall.
And I feel extremely bad for people who have already moved on to "Well next time we're just gonna have to run faster!" You ran fast! You did good! It's a brick wall.
Lotta replies to this saying the Bernie campaign did make some mistakes. Hmm. Thanks for the input, I'll have to think about it some more.
Thought about it some more and though Bernie's defeat could've been overdetermined, I don't think we can blame the campaign. You guys should give them a break, they worked really hard and ran into the limits of an American electoral socialist strategy.
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