1/ I think people need to be careful not to think of the oracle security in the exact same way as blockchain security. There certainly is a lot of overlap, as decentralizing the node operators and data sources are absolutely key to secure oracles.
2/ However, there is a main difference in the computation being provided. All blockchain nodes perform the same task of putting transactions into blocks and obtaining a hash through brute force. So besides hardware upgrades for speed, all nodes are fairly uniform in reputation.
3/ Oracles, however, are providing services that are not as uniform. For example, retrieving the price of an asset is going to yield a different result from each node In this regard, oracle reputation becomes important, such as service reliability and data quality.
4/ Oracles will also have a range of different functionalities. For example, some nodes may run TEEs while others do not. Some may specialize in certain data connections, some may run specific off-chain computations, some may stake more tokens to back their computation.
5/ Oracle networks need decentralization mixed with ways to filter individual oracles by both reputation and their set of functionalities. If you don't, then it will be hard for smart contracts to achieve consistently reliable results from oracle services and identify bad actors.
6/ Better nodes will likely get higher paying jobs, while cost-conscious Dapps can either use fewer high-quality oracles or use a lot of lower quality oracles to achieve decentralized security. There is a wide range of oracle designs but there must have a filtering mechanism.
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