1) Straw man.
2) Paradoxical ideas. You claim lockdown works yet nothing to show for it.
3) We still have no idea if we can control how line bends.
4) Lockdown is not for killing the virus. It's to lengthen the spread, which has own negative implications. https://twitter.com/StephenGutowski/status/1246807170852761602?s=20
5) Only way u can say lockdown stops spread is if u are ready to lock down until vaccine arrives, which is subscribing to national suicide.
6) We are approaching best season to tackle respiratory viruses.
7) I am baffled ppl still rely on bad models to come to hard conclusions.
This is blind speculation. Human behavior may have limited impact in "flattening the curve." We have no idea why Wash is that way. It may have have run its course, it may have something to do with many other variables. Lockdown is 1 of many possibilities. https://twitter.com/StephenGutowski/status/1246809644389085185?s=20
Ending this thread by reminding you that when we increased testing capacity to around 100k per day, we saw roughly the same ratio in new cases every day. There has been consistent growth but new case growth has not multiplied or anywhere close to that.
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