Hey, I found some fatwood* among the pine in the woodpile yesterday. I did a little experiment.
*when pine is full of more resin than usual
I wanted to see how quickly and how long this handful would fire in the woodstove
It started with a flourish-then waned-then you can hear the pop of the resin catching as it rallied again
Resin is produced by various plants as a way to heal wounds. Think of a broken or cut pine limb-resin coats and seals the exposed grain. Turpentine, pitch, and tar comes from resinous pines. Dibs on band name.
groove is in the heart of the pine
The flames are more liquid in a fatwood fire, languid even, like a Steely Dan song
This is the unofficial time it took for that little pile to burn itself out. Color me impressed. Thanks for wasting part of your day with me.
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