This tweet continues to blow up my notifications. I have tweeted some replies I agree with. Those I disagree with fall in a few categories which I will try to address in the tweets below (threat, 1/n)
1) “it is the morally wrong thing to do”

It is a business decision, and Liverpool are making the same decisions that many businesses across all industries in the UK have made or will soon made. People with the stiff upper lip riding the high morality horse do not run Liverpool
2) “Liverpool are rich and can afford to pay their staff without this scheme”

No one knows their books better than the club. Second highest wage bill in PL, no TV or gate revenues, less CL money, big hit to commercial revenue. FSG are better at doing their books than you are
3) “Liverpool are 2.7 BN business”

That is paper money. It assumes normal times and normal economy and 500m+ year revenues. In this crisis, no one knows what the club is worth. Imagine this crisis lasts 2 years? The club, like most PL clubs, could be close to worthless
4) “Liverpool made profit last year”

Again, profits and losses are mostly an accounting exercise. No one on twitter has as good of an idea of their revenues, cash on hand, and expenses, as the club. Do not pretend to be their accountants. They know their books better than you
5) The use of “we”. “We are rich” “We should do better” “We should not be using this scheme”

“You” are not the club. You do not own the club, you do not make decisions for the club. You do not pay the players. You are fans, purchasing an entertainment product. Stop with the ‘we’
6) “It’s a couple of weeks of wages”

No one knows how long this crisis will last. This may very well be an existential crisis for the PL, and for sports teams in general. Many PL clubs might collapse, and the PL as it exists may not survive. FSG must think “worst case scenario”
7) “PL clubs should not use this scheme”

Football is a non-essential industry. As the crisis continues, many football clubs will be pushed to the brink of death. And that will kill other industries, like sport TV, sports journalism, local businesses and yes fan media.
8, and last) “Man City are not doing it”

I wondered what it’d take a murderous and slave owning regime to endear itself to people in the UK. It seems the answer is “take the moral high road on FSG.” The cheapest sports-washing investment the Man City owners have ever made
P.P.S. This, by @paul_tomkins, should be required reading. Paul has articulated all of my arguments, and many more, much better than I ever could have done. Even if you disagree with him, give it a read
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