@xingowo figs stuffed with goat cheese and drizzled w honey
@taeilsite kancho choco biscuit
@tenjjun i think renjun would taste like a freshly baked apple pie
@rapperhyuck the easter peep marshmallows. this is u
@rennjuns tiramisu..? i would eat your layout it's looking pretty tasty rn
@sherrywhiskey i want to say just cake bc the cake header but. taro swirl mooncakes instead
@culthuangs vanilla yan yan
@renjunbread i feel obligated to assign you some type of bread BUT HONESTLY it reminds me of kit kats
@ohfullsun ur layout does Not Remind Me Of a snack in any form so i will branch out on a limb here. and offer you silica gel packets. i mean this in the most loving way possible it is still cute just Not Edible
@hrjsdream vanilla cream wafers
@ervrglow choco puffs with strawberry milk . cursed thought
@xuxityhabibi raspberry macaron
@jihsung coffee jelly
@cypherpt14 orange julius smoothie
@hu__ang ur eating es campur but suddenly there is a single hot pepper in your mouth. the hot pepper is zuko
@frhaog mint oreos !
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