People really be recommending herbs without consult or info of pharmacology OR recommended use of the herb. No consideration for current medication or medical history, as long as it’s herbal...whew...
Now you wondering why, months later, you’ve woken up throwing up blood, your BC stopped working, or your skin is sensitive to the sun. There’s certain vernacular we, as herbalist, have to use. You’re risking someone’s life just throwing out an herb you’ve heard of or googled.
Some of the herbs conflict with hormones that our brothers, sisters, and non-binary kin folk of our transgender/transsexual community are prescribed will do the opposite of their desires. Some herbs aren’t good for asthma, blood pressure, mucous membranes, etc.
Some herbs aren’t meant for children, pregnant women, cancer survivors, diabetics, or the elderly. If you don’t know, be okay with the fact that you don’t, and just do the research. Especially now, there seem to be herbalist everywhere.
I’m not plugging myself, but understand you’re accountable for what you recommend - it’s okay if you don’t know, find someone who does.
You can follow @blvck_herbalist.
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