I’ve watched HOURS of this Don’t Rush challlenege because it’s legit my fave ever. One important thing I noticed is that no one else got dragged in their videos.

Everyone else just said “This is so cute! Here’s ANOTHER version with something different.”
Are their points to be made about conscious and unconscious or conditioned bias? Absolutely but that’s for EVERYBODY, dolls. Nobody has evolved beyond it. Nobody.
It’s not helpful or academic or thought provoking to have the expectation that one video, the first for us, be an all encompassing representation of gay relationships when no other video has had that bar to cross.
IN FACT, it’s actually outing A LOT OF YOU as being performatively academic, unskilled critics of concepts you claim to understand.
There’s a difference between Hollywood and the greater media’s suppression of representation of looks and aesthetics that aren’t conventionally attractive vs a group of “everyday couples” participating in an already diverse and popular social media challenge.
This is a lazy argument from people who claim to show up and do the work everyday. It’s conflation at its best and it’s punching down at people wanting to be seen instead of punching up at the people keeping others from having that visibility.
Also, for those ACTUALLY interested in the phenomenon of attraction bias and how difficult it is to manage and how even attempting to be intentional about it can lean into offensive territory if you’re not careful, here’s an easy listen to get you started: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/invisibilia/id953290300?i=1000434201758
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