Does anyone else have this thing where a location will repeatedly pop up in your dreams...but it doesn’t exist in real life?
Mine is a place that used to be an old mine. For some reason, the entrance is on top of a building, which does not work logically. You have to know how to open the big, bank vault-like door, and then you take a boat down a tunnel
That part, I think my brain is basing on Penn’s Cave, a place near where I grew up that’s a big cave system you take a tour boat through, as it’s basically an underground lake. But the rest of it...
In the dream cave you then have to solve some puzzles to get through various doors. And then you get to the middle and it’s...a museum?? Like I don’t know why my brain thinks a thriving small museum would work when you have to solve riddles to get to it
The DREAM. No, literally, it’s a dream
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