At some point down the road, the risk from Covid-19 will recede but not disappear.

New York City will remain vital, but its future will be clouded by serious health and economic issues 
📉 As the virus subsides, there will be an exodus of elderly residents, and rent will become cheaper.

New York City will become the province of young people, which will be good for the city’s long-run vitality 
The coronavirus will make New York City less attractive for businesses but more affordable for residents, most of all young people.

It will be more like the New York of the 1970s and 1980s, with fear of infection replacing the fear of crime 
It will also be a much poorer New York.

This is bad on its own terms, and worse when considering the lower tax revenue it will bring and the second-order effects on school quality and pension plans 
New York City is also likely to develop the strictest norms for mask-wearing, “test and trace,” and other measures to limit the spread of the virus.

Combined with social distancing, that will eventually make the city visitable once again 🗽 
If Covid-19 survivors have immunity, as is the case with many viruses, New York City’s social life may become very segregated.

Survivors will have time-stamped immunity certificates and lead relatively active social lives 
Those who have not had the virus will spend more time online, refusing to shake hands, biking rather than taking the subway.

Different bars and even different parts of town will have reputations as better for one group or the other, leading to segregation 
Young people may actually expose themselves to the coronavirus deliberately, to join the immune, ostensibly more fun-seeking crowd.

@tylercowen shudders to think about the casualties, but it will probably be a safer experience than it is at the moment 
Right now, suburban America has had a clear advantage when dealing with Covid-19.

But as the country recovers from the very worst, New York and other major cities will adjust and recover some of their natural advantages 
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