I can't believe that we actually have to say this.
But as one Christian to another, and since I'm lucky to have a public platform people pay attention to, I believe I have a responsibility to speak out at this time. And quickly.
Just like me, on this matter of COVID-19, your pastors are not experts.
At this time of mass panic, your pastors are susceptible to fear, to misinformation, and to misusing their influence and platform to inadvertently cause harm.
But if those who are peddling conspiracy theories that may end up killing millions are bold and fearless with it, I think it is important for those who know this 5G conspiracy theory is deeply dangerous to speak out.
If the anti-Christ or the West or China wanted to destroy anyone, there are smarter ways than a virus that kills their own people and tanks their own economies.
Conspiracy theories always sound deep and bold. But they're nonetheless irresponsible without facts, without proof, without informed corroboration.
Please, use your God given wisdom at this time & think of all those who are dying and all those who are saving them.
It’s not conspiracy theorists that are saving lives at this moment at the treatment facilities.
They are not the ones who will help you if your family members get infected.
It’s doctors. It’s researchers. It’s scientists. It's public health experts.
They're the ones saving lives. It’s the partners who have worked with them over the past three decades - including Oyinbo billionaires who have done more to save lives in this country via fighting polio, malaria and HIV free of charge - that are saving more lives.
They have saved more lives than pastors. 
Listen to them when it comes to health and disease. 
And this is what the VAST MAJORITY of experts, doctors and researchers are saying: as at today, based on all we know about COVID-19, any link with 5G is NIL.
Please, don’t allow authority figures who don’t know what they're doing confuse you at this time with the confidence of their errors. 
You can love them,  pray for them, listen to them when it comes to doctrine. But when it comes to disease, PLEASE ignore them.
For the sake of you and your families.

“But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak.” — I Corinthians 8:9 NKJV
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