The most amazing miracle of Capitalism is that the greatest threat to our "way of life" is, at the same, the greatest commodity. If #coronavirus was a product, how much would you pay for quarantine? All we worked for (leisure) is now given for free.
This is a slower, brooding economy crisis that totally surpasses the direct one we're so afraid of. We've been raised under the stimulus of working & paying for leisure. After being used to getting it for free & on endless supply now, what will be the motivating currency after?
The cure for the crisis can be sold for a great price. But the crisis itself is made inside out by our greatest treasure (leisure), even if it comes with a non-material price (disease or death). So we're paying for leisure with the risk of disease & death: the yuppie lifestyle.
Ultimately, #Covid_19 means to the 2020s what cocaine meant to the 1990s. The virus is, in many ways, like the mutation viruses that 80s & 90s movies obsessed over. It has mutated all of us into Patrick Bateman.
So if the market will offer us either a cure or vaccine, that would be valued because it cancels the price of risk that we're paying, but it would at the same time be devalued because we'd have to pay for it the monetary value plus the sacrifice of our leisure (highest currency).
For that, the only conciliation that the market can offer to fulfill its goal & destiny (to generate the highest profit possible) would be something that cancelled the risk of sickness & death while allowing us to retain our leisure capital (the last one we'd part with).
Concluding that we've been looking in the wrong direction in two senses:
1) the crisis is bad for the economy
It doesn't, since it can allow for a much more profitable outcome by solving contradictions that were slowing down profit before.
2)the economy wants us to leave quarantine & go back to real life
As shown above, the only logical market convergence is to generate a way to keep us like this forever while erasing the devalue caused by risk. As far as market interest is concerned, quarantine should be forever.
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