Q is something I want to believe in, but it's something I go back and forth with. Usually, when my doubts start creeping in something drops and brings me right back to where I was. This feels like a really dangerous time. There seems to be a lot of new people and with that I
think you're going to get a lot of crap thrown out there with people looking to get immediate notoriety. even if they're not, they're going to attach themselves to anything and everything without digging first. heck, I'm still learning. the imposters will prey on newbies
seems like Q has gone dark for this reason.

Also, why is everything done from a phone or computer, mostly Twitter? the same images get regurgitated and nothing is ever investigated in the flesh. Is it wrong of me to ask for more? Like everything, it's easier to rely on someone
else feeding the info to you instead of finding it yourself.
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