1) As the empty starve from the betrayal of Babylon, they will turn cannibal trying to restore a faulty connection. Your immunity is you. Your family is your pride and the tribe around you. The law is not going to help. The doctors and the lawyers are not going to help...
2) You will. Your family will see you pull the sword from the stone. They will say, "This is better. I like this. You should have done it sooner." The women you see yelling at people to stay home are living in homes with empty men. You awaken him. He awakens her...
3) The Great Awakening is the fall of Babylon. What feels like destruction is birth. It's you, as the land, poking through the concrete. Make roots.

The electric locusts are coming. They can never destroy you. You are fire. Fire cannot be chained, held, or moved...
4) You are Prometheus. You did not steal fire. You claimed it as your own. It always belonged to you. It's what men were brought here to do.
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