Aries, Leo, Sagittarius🌹

Fire signs need to cool down. I’m seeing the need to jump in a body of water. You probably crave the heat, the action, and the long days of summer. You need some fun and uplifting energy in your life right now. Your fire runs off of it, anyhow.
Aries, Leo, Sag🌹

For Some: Because of what is going on out there, wherever you are on this planet, your entire system and daily routine is out of whack. Your personal energy may be out of balance because of it.
Aries, Leo, Sag🌹

Some may be finding themselves sinking back into unhealthy habits. (Videogames, excessive drinking, binge eating, etc) This is only adding more to the imbalance. This affects the mind, body, and energy levels. It’s time to develop a new way of coping.
Aries, Leo, Sag🌹
Fire signs need to be out there playing. They need the fresh air touching their bodies. The cold water hitting their skin. The need for speed, physical contact, and adrenaline is real.
Aries, Leo, Sag🌹

They need to be moving, communicating, feeling the excitement of something. THEY LOVE SOCIALIZING, so for them, this is harder than others!
Aries, Leo, Sag🌹

They also don’t fear fear. The World is their playground, and right now outside is closed. What to do here?
Things that don’t harm your body and psyche, thats what! Things that bring in more peace, balance, and wellness.
Aries, Leo, Sag🌹

Things that bring in more positive experiences and even more knowledge. Things that bring in memories that you will tell your grandchildren.
Aries, Leo, Sag🌹

Your energy keeps those who can’t muster their own happiness going. You are a Sunshine for many, Fire. Don’t let what’s happening change your energy entirely.

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