Twitter Friends: 1 like, 1 answer. Non lasciatemi sulle spine e lasciate quanti Luke volete, chissĂ  se finalmente riesco a finirne uno ♄
1. the breakfast club (1985) dir. John Hughes
2. my favorite actress
3. Armageddon (1998) dir. Michael Bay
Lady Bird (2017) dir Greta Grewing
5. favorite director
6. favorite actor
7. Favorite OST
8. A movie that is important to you.

A Single Man (2009) dir. Tom Ford
9. first movie that sparked my love for cinema

Blues Brothers (1980) dir. John Landis
10. favorite movie as a kid

Remember the Titans (2000) dir. Boaz Yakin
10. Top 5 movies of all time:

1. The Breakfast Club
2. Black Panther
3. Interstellar
4. Booksmart
5. Parasite

(Non sono i migliori del mondo ma sono importanti a livello personale)
12. A movie that you hate with passion

X Men: days of future past (2014) dir Bryan Singer
13. A movie that has an emotional spot in your heart

The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford (2007) dir. Andrew Dominik
14. A movie that just never gets old

School of Rock (2003) dir. Richard Linklater
15. A movie that gives me a profound sense of freedom

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) dir. John Hughes
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