Working from home can be a blessing.... but it can also be nightmare especially to those that usually go out to do their work. When you burn out after doing the same thing in the same place over and over again, you will be less productive...
And being less productive means getting less work done. All that results to a frustration, which then can cause more burn outs.

You dont want that.

So here is some tips to tackle those burn outs so you can get more out of your time.
Disclaimer: these tips may work for some people and may not work for some. This thread is only an opinion and a perspective on a subject. If in need of professional help, immediately reach out to them.
1) Plan out your day by scheduling when to work and when not to work. Since work is now at home, strictly follow the schedule so you dont do work all the time.

If it happens to be otherwise (less work being done), a technique called tempation bundling can be used.
By pairing an action you want to do (non-work stuff) with an action you need to do (work stuff).

For example, if you want to binge watch a show on netflix, you must also get "that report" done first.

Discipline is key. Know that after you finish your work, you get to do any..
Anything you want.

2) Design your environment so it is easier and motivating to work. Set a dedicated workplace and non-workplace. Have some snacks nearby. Station your workplace where you can be comfortable but not comfortable. This is called priming your evironment.
While priming your environment for work, it is important to prime your environment to rest too. While working efficiently, rest and play efficiently too. Realise that when your body does too much work, it can get tired. And it needs to recharge. Like a charging phone, it needs..
To charge for a period time before it can go all out again.

3) last tip to be tackle the burnout. Invest in technology and apps that can help you stay disciplined to your schedule. Apps like " http://any.do " and "Habits" can remind you what you need to do. Especially..
When you are on your phone always. Tracking your progress is also one way to be motivated.

So thats that! Three tips that can help you get out of the burn out state. These tips are derived from the book, Atomic Habits by @JamesClear .
It is a book which breaks down why we do things we do and how it can be used to your advantage (or not).
Highly recommend to anyone that want to improve their habits and remove bad ones.

Thats a wrap for thread number 1 for #onedayonethreadchallenge !
You can follow @syafii_phs.
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