So this “sorcery” is achieved by using different frames of different heights (note the slight tint change in the video at each frame change). https://twitter.com/khanoisseur/status/1246788559329275904
Eerie parallels between BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill (largest environmental disaster in US history) and this coronavirus disaster. BP CEO Tony Hayward was a Trump-like gaffe machine, first denying the spill was major (“relatively tiny”) then shifting to playing doctor on TV.
Hayward was not quite as slick as Trump when it came to swapping out the frames on the disaster.

“I want my life back!” he said referring to how the spill had taken over his time.

Hayward was hauled before Congress, which exposed how little he actually knew about the crisis. https://twitter.com/khanoisseur/status/1246802689738113025
As dead dolphins 🐬 began piling up from Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Hayward alternated between apologies and accusing scientists of hyping the disaster. The day after his Congressional hearing, he went to see his yacht 🛥 race. A month later, he was forced to resign. https://twitter.com/khanoisseur/status/1246804230142332928
Like Trump downplayed coronavirus threat, Hayward downplayed environmental impact of Deepwater Horizon spill, asserted it would be "very very modest" and "relatively tiny" in comparison with the size of the ocean. Now we know effects of the spill were 30% larger than calculated. https://twitter.com/khanoisseur/status/1246807797045571585
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