What real contact tracing looks like : A friend caught covid-19, so I was put in a HK quarantine camp for close contacts 'til it'd been 14 days since I'd seen them. Been out a little while now, never had symptoms of any sort. More natural light, faster wifi than my flat.
Fairly odd experience all in all. Food left something to be desired, but how can you complain at these prices. HK health authorities are rushed off their feet trying to keep the tracing system running.
Friend is absolutely fine, only ever had mild symptoms and has now tested negative several times. Everyone with a positive diagnosis is currently hospitalised in HK until they have multiple tests showing they no longer have it. https://twitter.com/GMW139/status/1246778860164825090
What the experience made me wonder is whether the Western world is ready to do this or things like this - are preparations being made or is there a different post-Lockdown plan? HK right now is presumably close to the best case scenario for places like LON/NYC in the months ahead
They actually gave me a kettle but I took my own out of fear that they might not because I'm a British stereotype
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