So the fact that RPG Twitter is doing a discussion about safety tools right now, and that's great.
-My feed is filled with 'just don't put that in your games' &'I don't understand why you'd play that' & 'it's never ok to put that in your games' & 'it weirds me out that people would want to play that' & 'the only people who'd play that are creeps who don't understand the issue'
And, I dunno how to say this. But it's getting to me. Like it's *really* getting to me. Nobody's saying anything directly TO me, of course, but the background chatter is that the stuff I love isn't OK, and I'm likewise not OK for enjoying it.
It's getting under my skin.
And consent-and-safety in gaming is important and I love that we're having this conversation, but it feels like I'm swimming against the tide here. Like a lot of people think in an ideal world, the games I'm into just wouldn't exist.
Anyway, yeah. It's depressing, and I'm not sure how to address it without just shrieking 'centre this conversation on MEEEE' so, ehh.
I guess I'll vent and then try to get over myself.
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