🐙 My theory about Davy Jones' dick.
Nobody asked for it, but I'm doing this. 🐙
I don't know if anybody needs to hear this but this is all a joke. I am not interested in Davy Jones' dick. This is all for laughs and for science.
Okay, so Davy Jones' head is an octopus head, his right hand is a tentacle, his left hand is a crab claw and so on.
I suppose that, the way this works, every human body part was replaced with the analogous aquatic body part.
Which means that Davy Jones' dick could have been replaced by either octopus' or crab's genitalia.
Octupus' is a specialised tentacle (hectocotylus).

If we follow the rule, I guess he'd have octopus genitalia. Idk it's more similar and I can do what I want with my theory.
But this leads to a question: Does Davy Jones have his octopus dick on his face or between his legs?

Well he lost his nose, so he has a siphon on the left side of his face (like real octopus)

His nose "moved" to another part, and the same thing could have happened with the dick
However, Davy Jones' left leg IS STILL HUMAN.

Therefore, there's a slight chance that he still has human dick 🤔
I think we can forget about this option though.

Because Jones' transformation was kind of Calypso's revenge to show his lack of humanity. So I like to think that his dick was the first thing he lost, because that's definitely something that Calypso would do lmao I love her
My conclusion is that Davy Jones has octupus' genitalia on his face, and it is one of his 46 tentacles.

According to the only web site I visited, octopus genitalia is located on their 3rd tentacle of the right side. BUT normal octopus have 8 tentacles, while Jones has many more.

So, which one is his???

I'm going to say it's ALSO the 3rd one on the right because this gets fun.
Remember the key of the chest? Davy Jones kept it with himself at all times.
Remember where? Hidden somewhere between his tentacles.

EXACTLY: Davy Jones keeps the key in his version of a ball sack. We stan 😔✊

At the final battle in "At World's End", Jack was fighting Jones and he sliced 2 of his tentacles with his sword.
Now, remember: octopus' genitalia is on their 3rd tentacle on the right side.

After all, Jack Sparrow found a way to do something that he probably thought about many many many times:

Calling Davy Jones an eunuch.

A genius.
Something funny that I like to believe:
If Jones lost his human dick because it's on his face now... Maybe he has a starfish between his legs. Call it embellishment. Call it fashion.
Also, this is what we call a 👏 perfect 👏 parallel 👏
And while doing all this research, I found out there's a crab called "fiddler crab", which makes this meme 10 times funnier
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