A NEVER HAVE I EVER thread 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽

1. Never have i ever - had a crush on a friend
2. kissed multiple people in one night
3. made out with the same gender
4. broken a bone
Dumped someone
6. gone skinny dipping (jumped in the pool naked)
7. stole something 🌚
tag 3 people to answer this thread
8. had a dirty dream about a close friend
9. puked in public
10. given someone a fake phone number
11. smoked weed
12. sung karaoke
13. been drunk (wasted)
follow me real quick 😁
14. had a photoshoot for your birthday
15. broken your phone more than 3times
16. been on an airplane
17. eaten food that fell on the floor
18. faked illness to avoid going to school or work
19. stalked your ex on social media
20. fantasize about your fine cousin
21. faked an illness to avoid going to church (for Christians)
22. faked an illness to avoid fasting during ramadan (for Muslims)
23. wished for someone’s relationship to end in tears
24. cheated in an examination
make sure u tag people and follow me 😁
25. had a threesome (iKnow y’all will lie)
i’ll follow back when i’m able to guys ❤️
You can follow @hideeholic.
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