5. Most annoying set? (Department and year)
6. Finest room you've been to in ABH?
7. Favorite ABH tweep?
8. Have you ever experienced the "ABH walls are thin" phenomenon?
9. Favorite social activity in ABH?
10. Favorite executive?
11. Richest set? (Department and year)
12. Most creative Brownite?
13. What lessons have you learned from living in ABH?
14. Would you rather read in the reading room, labour ward or in your room?
15. Favorite posting and why?
16. Is your significant other also a Brownite?
17. Which Brownite throws the best parties?
18. What's the most fucked up situation you've ever experienced in ABH?
19. Best dinner you ever went to?
20. Favorite activity in the hall week?
21. Tag your ABH crush
22. What's the sweetest thing your roommate has ever done for you?
Tag 2 Brownites to participate in this thread
23. Best Indomie spot???? Kelechi, Spicy bites or Jay???
24. Best organization?
25. Best Shawarma spot?
26. Best Chicken and chips spot?
27. The cool kids stay on which block?
28. Ever walked in on a brownite having sex? Or the other way round?
29. Favorite Brownite (eye candy) to spot in the hall.
30. Quote this with a picture of you in ABH
31. Which staircase in ABH is best for public sexual escapades?
You can follow @prettydiferent.
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