The world needs to think.

Now that we are on a forced holiday. The sky hasn't fallen. Where were we rushing to before, what was the point of that rat race to nothing, why did we think working all day every day was a good idea, what were we trying to achieve?
Okay productivity took a hit, Country GDPs are badly hit, Work has slowed down. But aren't we supposed to be working for ourselves, for a better life for all of us, if all country's GDP was hit by exactly the same amount, doesn't that mean in some ways we just press reset.
These thoughts are fully formed in my head yet. But if the whole world adopts a 4 day work week. A strict work-life balance. Wouldn't we be then ensuring that the work we are doing to better our lives is doing exactly that instead of the non stop working thing that makes it
impossible for people to just chill and enjoy life. What do we have to lose if we stop calculating productivity in terms of GDPs and KPIs, and all the other terms. What do we have to lose if work is not the end and quality of life becomes the end. If companies start taking the
well being of their employees very seriously instead of giving them more work than it is humanly possible to do in a 8 hours workday.

What if the whole world decided to just lay off the accelerator for a bit and we chill and everything we do becomes about quality of life
instead of work for the sake of it.

Maybe there are things I'm missing and maybe it is not possible and our default setting is to engage in an everlasting rat race.

I don't know. I just feel people should have the luxury of doing work for another reason asides money.
A lot of people hate their jobs but have to do it because they have to make money. Can we replace this system, what are the options? Can we have a world that cares about the well being of its inhabitants instead of just engaging in these competition that doesn't end.
Of course it'll come at a cost, innovation will be hit, once you reduce the level of competition, the quality of the game itself decreases. Can we reduce our appetite if the benefit is a more quality life? But then again maybe that is what the point of this thing is..
Maybe we work like this just so we can innovate and create and build the most lazy ways of doing things. Maybe we have to work the way we do just to create more hands-off ways of doing things. Maybe it is a natural progression. Automation is already taking over.
Maybe if we didn't work as hard, we wouldn't have benefitted from the innovation that will in turn make things easier on us.

I'm throwing this out there, my dream is to build a platform that makes it possible to do your professional job as a freelancer and get paid exactly
what you're worth. You can be an accountant or an engineer or whatever else you have to seek employment for. You would be able to do whatever you're an expert in from home. You pick your work schedule and your projects and based on an hourly rate, you get paid whatever you work
for. Input= Output. No externally imposed deadlines, No KPIs or deliverables. They are all personally imposed. You work as hard as you want or as lazy as you want. More work equals more pay and on months where you feel like you want to chill more you can take as little work as
you want.

This thread is me thinking unto my screen. It is not meant to entertain or inform. It's just thoughts.
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