Almost every book I own was written by a black author. I love the way black people tell stories. My favourite book by a white author is Liverpool Annie by Maureen Lee. Let’s just say a 6 year old has no business reading that book at that age, but it’s amazing 👌🏾
Mildred Taylor wrote a couple of good ones too. Short and easy to read books. I read all of these when I was in year 9/10 I think.
Sister Souljah has to be one of my favourite authors. The coldest winter ever and Midnight are the absolute best 👌🏾 A deeper love inside was a slow burner for me.
One of my favourite male authors has to be @EricJDickey and I’ve read almost all of his books.
Another one of my favourite male authors has to be @omartyree I remember getting a lot of people in my 6th form hooked on “What They Want” I think I’ve read almost every book of his too.
I’ve read all of @MsTerryMcMillan books but my favourite has to be this one. It’s never too late to find yourself and true love ☺️
I went through this phase of reading good books about thugs and love Lool when I was 19/20 but Wahida Clark had a good series of them and she had me hooked so boy...
Hood ***
The best book that I read in 2017 was this one. Absolutely amazing full of history, culture and I can assure you, you will find a bit of yourself in at least one of the characters.
Currently reading this one. Almost done and I like how it breaks down stigmas to do with being HIV positive.
By far the easiest and quickest book I’ve ever read. Story telling through poetry will always be my first love.
My favourite books by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I even had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing her for OK Nigeria Magazine back in 2014 👌🏾👌🏾
I said the way black people tell stories is 👌🏾 but the way African, speciafially bigerian writers tell stories 👌🏾👌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 all of these books have taught me some serious life lessons
Chibundu Onuzo’s style of writing is fantastic and will keep you engaged. You won’t want the book to end.
I’m not into mythology at all, but Tomi Adeyemi has changed my mind when it comes to that. Looking forward to the third instalment.
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