Here's a thread with a selection of great journalism on #COVID19. Please share and feel free to add suggestions at the end

1.🇧🇷 Brazil’s densely packed favelas brace for coronavirus: ‘It will kill a lot of people.’ By @terrence_mccoy and Heloisa Traiano
11. 🇦🇷 Argentinian news site @redaccioncomar has launched this collaborative guide on how to live through these difficult times. Journalists are updating it with the suggestions of their readers
12. 🇻🇪 From our friends at @TRF. "In a complex of bungalows to the east of Madrid, Venezuelan refugees and homeless people have replaced tourists. The owner of the La Ciguena resort has turned the facility over to some of Madrid's vulnerable families"
14. 🇮🇹 Data on mortality in Bergamo didn't add up correctly. So @EasyInve and @in_twig went looking for complete data town by town. Terrific piece shared here by Elisabetta Tola
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