This guy's is forcing to come and see me. Hes a nurse and works in one of those designated clinics for Covid. Is it totally cruel if I see him through the security gate and stall while the police come?
I'm genuinely scared and he's been dismissing my fear because he works out and feels fine. This is a nurse BTW.

He says he's on his way, I told him I'm not home.
I told him not to come, I told him I will call the police, he says 'this is Tembisa, police don't come when they are called they come when they want'

When did he become a psycho? I'm terrified.
I'm locking my doors and telling the care taker to not let him in. No ways.

What the fuck?

Yeah I'm done here. Moving on.

I was having a full on panic attack over a joke?????
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