what if: Yunho was actually trying to find Hongjoong.

a confusing thread +
before i begin, i'm not smart enough so please don't attacc me. i'm not sure about this either so here goes nothin.
i was thinking that maybe, MAYBE— Yunho was trying to find realteez Hongjoong who's being left behind or stuck in a time period, era or somewhere else.
Yunho has the compass which could possibly mean that he is realteez Hongjoong's right hand.
also this. idk, this just gives me the "Quartermaster" vibes.
i mean, just look at that. what if he was doing realteez Hongjoong's work (and look at those plastic thingy at the back).
i was also thinking that maybe Yunho knew or got a clue that it wasn't the realteez Hongjoong who's leading them but the darkteez Hongjoong (that's why he's looking for the realteez Hongjoong)
so how did the realteez Hongjoong and darkteez Hongjoong switched places? i was thinking that MAYBE someone from the darkteez were with the realteez.
i was thinking that maybe, MAYBE it was Mingi (Minki stans don't attacc me please).
i thought it was Mingi because first, in the Treasure MV, Mingi and Hongjoong had a lot of cuts/scenes together (well except for the rap parts).
IF they were indeed looking for treasure, the insider would be most likely Mingi since he's mostly with Hongjoong (given that they had a lot of cuts/scenes in the treasure m v, and this illusion mv cut too 👇🏻)
what if darkteez mingi was with the realteez and the realteez mingi was in the darkteez (just look at their faces). i was also thinking that maybe the both of them got in to an agreement or something.
there's also a possibilty that Yunho failed to find realteez Hongjoong.
or maybe Yunho gave up.
many of you guys were speculating that the man in white was Hongjoong. so that gave me the idea that realteez Hongjoong fnally came back only to see this mess.
i was thinking that some of the members of realteez found out that it was darkteez Hongjoong who were with them all along. they maybe also found out about the insider/spy in realteez which resulted to this mess.
yeah, there's a lot of holes in this thread but that's what all i got 😅. i thought of this idea while doing my homeworks so my brain's at its limit.
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