A friend of mine is a NHS nurse currently redeployed to ICU and soon to be working at the Nightingale.

She wishes to remain anonymous.
For all those who continue to go out needlessly I beg you to read to the end. I AM REALLY ANGRY when you die from COVID in ITU you are ALONE, no visitors are allowed. ALONE, except for the NHS staff who are risking their lives to care for you or your loved one.
Before going out just think about your family & others - would you like to not only see them die because you are a selfish piece of shit & can't be bothered to stay at home but for them to die alone.
If you have a child in hospital that child can have 1 parent with them only.
Horrible thought but clearly a proportion of society needs it, if your child is dying from COVID you have to take turns to be by their bedside (you can't wait outside, you can't be in the hospital) & you won't be there when your child dies, to comfort & hold them.
Thousands of us NHS staff are being redeployed to areas we have either never worked or we've not worked on a ward etc. for 20 years plus because we have specialised in our area. We are terrified! Not regarding COVID but because we dont have recent skills.
We are working our normal shifts, then coming home spending hours studying to refresh our skills. But we are doing it because that's what we do, we care for you & your loved ones.
The NHS has no choice but to use us right now because you want to behave like a dick & go to parks
When I'm redeployed to ITU for 3 months (15 from my area have already died) I will be moving out of home so I don't risk bringing COVID home to my son & husband - think how my child feels, how distressing this is for him & me as a mother.
Think about if this was your child - would you want to put them through this. Do you care that my child has to go through this?!

This post is not to get thank you's or you're doing an amazing job etc. So I kindly ask people not to put any comments like that on here.
Please RT the hell out of this thread. If it stops just one idiot from going out then it will be worth it.
You can follow @mr_workman.
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