Dear Zehir Omar. This is fucking disgusting. Do you think because you are Muslim it exempts you from the lockdown?! I have no respect for this. This is why people view our religion as backward. Are you of that little faith that you can only pray in a mosque?!
Your spiritual needs or appetite is meant to be satiated by your worship to God. God isn't only in a mosque. He is everywhere, in everything. Trying to draw some moral equivalence between going to mosque & people needing to go to work in a taxi is some fucked up shit.
You talking about how hygienic things are, who are you fooling? It's got nothing to do with ablution you ignoramus. And you still want Jumuah to go on but only for 30 minutes? 🤡 I am so over this level of stupidity. This is not my Islam. You do not speak on my behalf! I
Find it tragic that those who are learned are the most ignorant. You have embarrassed us. You are an embarrassment. Spiritual depression. Are you fucking kidding me? If being able to pray to your Almighty from anywhere depresses you, lockdown is the least of your problems!
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