I think what makes me angriest about the UK response to coronavirus is the "shut up and do what your elders and betters tell you" response. The "don't say anything negative" "don't ask questions" response.
The government is selling a nice set of press releases and not telling the truth.

But I am a "naysayer" for pointing this out.

I must shut up and let them get on with it.

Tug my fucking forelock? No way.
"But they know best".

"They're scientists."

Remember Beattie - "they've got an ology!"

Yes, it's that risible. We're not allowed to discuss anything. Reporters should be relentlessly upbeat.

"Don't talk Britain down!"
And yet the same people that tell me this are very often the people who don't see why they should stay at home.
In France, we stay at home.

And then those who want to protest plaster their apartment blocks, their balconies, their windows with political messages. They duke it out on Twitter. They take to the airwaves.

When the PM said "no one must accuse us of acting too late" ...
... the response was angry. No one tells us what to think or say!

But when it comes down to it most of the French are doing the right thing.
Not because they're told to. Because solidarity is important. Because it is **for everyone*** that we're doing it.
And there is an educated debate in the papers. A lot of them are printing articles by medics, statisticians, scientists. The standard is pretty good.

Plus Macron tweets: where to get help. Links to pages to apply for handouts. Practical shit.
Wash your hands with soap!
Sorry for this thread. I know not all Brits are arses, but even some of my own friends are just being complete #COVIDIOTS.

Think for yourself. And #staysafe, and help other people stay safe too.

Rant over.
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