Quite shocked to see so many usually reasonable commentators complaining about the UK lockdown being enforced and arguing their right to wander around outside. In Spain, we've been indoors for 3 weeks now (no exercise outdoors allowed, can only go out for food or meds) -->
--> The no. of cases only now seems to be peaking (950 a day for the last week) and they've just extended the lockdown to 26 April. People are generally complying because they see the necessity of it at a societal level. Far more people live in flats in Spain than in the UK -->
--> If they can live without exercise, vit D & all the other things people in the UK seem to deem their absolute entitlement despite an unprecedented crisis going on around them, then why can't the UK? It's a few weeks. If you don't do it properly now, it'll be a lot longer -->
--> Also seeing a lot of people in UK claiming it's peaking already, after less than 2 weeks of a fairly lax lockdown, and that the measures should be lifted now. If they do that, the hospitals will be totally overwhelmed and nobody will be getting treated for anything. -->
Anyway, to wrap up this rant, you won't care about vitamin D/sunbathing/trips to the seaside/your right to hang out in the park if you or your family members are dead.
And yes, of course there are terrible implications of lockdown for certain groups of people (domestic violence, mental health issues, etc.) but these should be dealt with case by case, not used to discredit the measures as a whole.
What about all the cancer patients or heart attack victims who will be denied treatment if the hospitals collapse, for example?
This is the prob with not having a blanket lockdown. You tell people they can exercise for an hour a day and suddenly everyone's looking for loopholes. "They didn't say where, let's drive to Brighton beach for a walk" "If you run you need to rest on a bench too": GROW UP.
Something dawned on me a few weeks ago when I was feeling angry and frustrated about coronavirus putting a stop to my normal life. This is how a lot of the world lives, all the time. We don't have an innate right to live calm, peaceful, fun lives all the time.
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