#COVID2019 Switzerland: This is how a PEAK looks like (and let’s wait a few days to confirm). Some politicians (cf. Spain) make confused statements. They either treat population as idiots or are simply math illiterate. Time to say the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth
Roberto Speranza, Italy health minister: "We must tell the truth. The situation is still dramatic. Emergency is not over. We have not escaped danger. Difficult days ahead of us. We must create the conditions to live with the virus, until we find a vaccine or a cure." Well said.
Salvador Illa, Spain health minister (April 2): "La curva se ha estabilizado, hemos llegado al pico y hemos empezado la ralentización" ("...WE HAVE REACHED THE PEAK AND STARTED SLOWING DOWN" (sic!). Peak or deceleration, Mr. Illa? Since Apr 1st, Spain has +8K active cases.
Let's go back to the graph of Switzerland in this thread. I am adjusting for population size in order to make it comparable. Suppose in CH the # of new cases had not flattened but gone up by 1.8K. Would we still claim that the infection has reached its peak? Well, Mr. Illa would.
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