And then I don’t know what the fuck this “apology” was supposed to mean. But fuck you for the mental/emotional damage/abuse, the sleepless nights, nightmares, bloodshot eyes, tears, lost appetite, gaslighting, and turning me fucking cold. You earned me airing you out. I’m done.
It was supposed to be forever. Clearly it didn’t even get a fraction of that distance because he was fucking lying. And the reason I recognized her after thinking about him saying what he said more closely? His fucking screenshot. We’re right fucking over/under each other.
You can enjoy your fucking happiness now, you untrustworthy ass. @JohnEHines @imactuallyk
Pero qué será será. I wanted to get my MS and my PhD and take him with me for the ride, make us live comfortable like I’d always aspired to, he decided to get off; I’ll wave from the top in ‘24-‘25.
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