One of my closest friends has tested positive for COVID-19. She was the first Queen’s student to be reported with the virus. When this was announced by the media, Facebook comments were constantly mocking Queen’s students and putting down the student for being “neglectful”.
The comments were horrible. They talked about how Kingston needs to do something about students being selfish, senseless, irresponsible, and that were the “better” terms being said.

But here’s the thing. My friend was self isolating and social distancing before anyone else was.
Our campus only began to shut down on March 13th. This was the beginning of St Paddys weekend, a high traffic time in Kingston as Queen’s has a huge street party every year. St Paddys weekend on Aberdeen was pretty much cancelled, besides the few students who still went out.
On March 14th, this is when precautions began in Kingston in terms of social distancing and isolation. My friend took this seriously. She began isolation that day. She began showing symptoms on March 28th. In those two weeks, she only left for groceries. Strictly.
She got her test done on March 30th. I need to repeat this. Between the time she began her self isolation, to when she started showing symptoms, she ONLY left her apartment to get groceries. Obviously, once she got symptoms she stayed home.
I’m tweeting this for the people who are not taking this seriously. My friend stayed in her own apartment for WEEKS and she got the virus just by getting groceries - to which she did ONCE a week.

You are not immune. No one is immune. Take this seriously.
Stop going to your friends houses, stop visiting your family, stop going to stores just to browse. The longer it takes for you to abide by this, the longer we will be stuck in quarantine. I don’t give a fuck if you’re bored, STAY HOME.
Make your grocery list and try to only go once a week. Keep track of everywhere you are going. Wash your hands, keep hand sanitizer handy, wear gloves.

We will get through this. And we will get through this faster and with a smaller death toll than projected if you STAY HOME.
As for my friend, she is doing better. She had difficulty breathing the other day and had to go to the hospital, but she is much better now. Please keep her in your thoughts as she heals.

Don’t spread any negativity. Accusations and hatred will only tear us apart.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
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