As we rest and plan for another week I'd like to ask that all managers of public service staff remember that your workers are also the public. They have the same fears for themselves and their loved ones.
They may be reluctant to do something you ask. They may complain that they don't have enough ppe. Please remember they are not being obstructive, they are human and like the public they serve they are also afraid.
They will have a battle going on between delivering what is asked of them and hiding away in their homes to protect their loved ones. Invariably they will go out and deliver what is asked of them regardless.
Whether you are an executive, senior manager, middle manager or supervisor, please manage your staff with compassion and understanding and of course take time to understand your own fears and make sure you give yourself a break.
5. Most of all and most importantly be kind to one another and keep safe. X
6. Of course if you are one of those members of staff, please think of the pressure your managers will be under as well.
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