We are for the most part good people with huge hearts & a desire in most of us to change the world. Well, we might be tasked with doing so if you want your children to be able to have the liberties we had.

We are at the Crossroads the day is here. Truthfully, I was hoping it
never came but it has & we are either going to rise up or those that don't will suffer as those that do. I'm not into wars or violence The only way I see this working is by millions uniting as one peacefully. If not, I'm sad to say there will probably be violence & that is not
wanted or desired.

We have to do something soon are we will be shuttled away to Fema Zones how convenient & this so-called virus is their enforcer to comply.

I'm just throwing out some warnings to hopefully wake up others as we will learn the truth about the CON V soon.
I believe I know what is going on & why the quarantine as well as what & why governments are doing this. This is my journal of life events & recorded statements from what I've seen & learned to know. I will update this thread. In the meantime be safe & question everything.
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