here's a thread of amazing webinars/ workshops around covid-19 and/or climate organizing!! feel free to add on :-)

1 / How to Beat Coronavirus Capitalism by @haymarket
an online teach-in with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
3/ Organizing in a Time of Social Distancing: the Wisdom of Disability Justice Organizers by JOIN for Justice with Patricia Berne, Lydia X.Z. Brown and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha 
5/ Safe and Equitable Engagement Spaces in the Age of COVID-19 hosted by @SFUDialogue with Cicely Belle Blain and Alia Ali
7/ This talk by @miamingus on Access Intimacy, Interdependence, and Disability Justice, which is especially poignant during this period of time. Shared by @dhunnasim -- thank you!
10/ After Bernie—Amidst Pandemic teach-in with Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, hosted by Hari Kondabolu. @haymarketbooks
14/ Covid-19, Decarceration, and Abolition by Ruth Wilson Gilmore and Naomi Murakawa. How should abolitionists respond to the coronavirus pandemic? How can we achieve urgently needed decarceration?
17/ A new podcast series, Strategem: The Podcast, by the amazing Strategem team on all things equity, inclusion and social justice! @cicelybelle @inadequateteen 
The Pandemic is a Portal: An online teach-in with Arundhati Roy hosted by @haymarketbooks:
The authors of "A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal" discuss how a Green New Deal will help us recover from covid's horrors—and build a more just, beautiful world. @MaryHeglar @KateAronoff @alybatt @triofrancos @aldatweets @JooBilly
What is a Green Recovery anyway? -- a panel hosted by @GreenpeaceCA:
A great thread by @literElly on learning about prison abolition and carceral systems through an intersectional lens:
You can follow @cheangrchl.
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